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Pseudo-christians DO NOT need doctors or hospitals!

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Take heed, NO Christian, I repeat, NO Christian is to have any vaccines, going to the doctor, ER or hospital visits whatsoever to eventually cure a sickness of any kind, period!  This is because if the pseudo-christian actually read their primitive Bronze and Iron Age Bibles, they would understand that if they get sick in any way, and not to become hypocrites to Jesus' words, all they have to do is shown in the following Jesus inspire passages:

JESUS AS GOD SAID: “And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” (Matthew 21:22)  Key word: “believing,” which triggers the prayer request in a direct and absolute manner, especially if a pseudo-christian is sick in any way and needs healing!  

The unfortunate position is that if a pseudo-christian doesn’t believe enough, as the passage in question alludes to above, then their prayer of Jesus healing them does not work, which is a "Catch-22" scenario.  Can you imagine the pseudo-christian that prays for their healing to Jesus as God, and they don't get it from Him as Matthew 21:22 states?  Therefore, just before they die of a sickness, they have to think that since they obviously didn't believe, or believe enough in Jesus because they didn't get healed, they are then headed for the sulfur lakes of Hell as their outcome of dying!

JESUS AS GOD SAID: "And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven." (James 5:15)

In the Jesus inspired passage above in that if you have "faith," and therefore in the prayer of faith, Jesus as God will save you from your sickness!

But, again, if you don't have faith, or of little faith, you will NOT be saved from your sickness by Jesus as God, and most importantly, your sins will not be forgiven! This unfortunate situation is obviously derived from the pseudo-christian not being healed in the first place! Therefore, said pseudo-christian is destined towards Hell with its burning sulfur lakes upon their demise! 

It is sad indeed to be a pseudo-christian in the 21st century, where normally the scientific advancements in medicine should heal pseudo-christians, but they have to take their biblical notions that when they do not believe enough, or have true faith as shown in the Jesus inspired passages above, they have to think that they are dying because of not having faith or believing in Jesus to be healed!   Whereas Atheists, in part, that are cured under the same medical advancements, are without a God worship and live!  LOL!

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  • BarnardotBarnardot 544 Pts   -  
    @21CenturyIconoclast ;Take heed, NO Christian, I repeat, NO Christian is to have any vaccines

    Ill tell you what num nuts. Why dont you go down to the mall and start dicktating that sort of Exstream dog mess like you do here because I bet it wont be long before some one comes a long and gives you real num nuts for sure.

  • @Barnardot

    YOUR 1ST GRADER QUOTE: "Ill tell you what num nuts. Why dont you go down to the mall and start dicktating that sort of Exstream dog mess like you do here because I bet it wont be long before some one comes a long and gives you real num nuts for sure."

    OMG!  Can your blithering quote above get any more embarrassing, with its horrific syntactical sentence structuring, misspelled words, and grammar that is of a 1st grader in a mentally challenged class room?  How embarrassing do you want to get in giving your Christianity a bad name for having a member like YOU that is so biblically and rationally inept?


  • .
    Oh, oh, as the membership can readily see, there are NO PSEUDO-CHRISTIANS entering this thread that is pertaining to them NOT, and I repeat, NOT needing any type of medications, vaccines, or any Doctors whatsoever if they are TRUE believing Christians in Jesus the Christ!

    Since these pseudo-christians do get sick, and as shown in my initial post, they should NOT get sick if they pray to Jesus to rid them of any sickness, and at the same time, they have to TRULY BELIEVE in Him!  Here lies the rub, if they are not healed by Jesus in prayer as shown in Matthew 22:23, then they feel guilty because obviously they don't believe enough in Jesus.  

    Sad indeed.
  • BarnardotBarnardot 544 Pts   -  
    @21CenturyIconoclast ;Sad indeed.

    Your the sad one. has any one ever told you lately what a total doolie rubber you are?

  • ProudToBeCatholicProudToBeCatholic 117 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Part 1

    As I told you before, my parents are monitoring everything I do on this computer. Since they found out I converted to Catholicism, they are not allowing me to use this computer for anything except college. However, you seem to have ignored my lengthy message I sent you, as evidenced by this post: At any rate, your soul is worth more to me than keeping my parents happy and so I will respond this once.

    Your unfounded and undiscerning claim: “Take heed, NO Christian, I repeat, NO Christian is to have any vaccines, going to the doctor, ER or hospital visits whatsoever to eventually cure a sickness of any kind, period!”

    You really ought to actually read your Bible in context rather than from your clouded point of view. This  one may be even worse than the handicapped argument you made. Let’s address the two passages in question here and I will provide a direct answer from (a) The Scripture itself and (b) from the tradition of what the church has always believed these verses to mean. Just as Saint Irenaeus appealed to the tradition of the church when battling the Gnostics in the second century, who argue with a similar style to you by the way, so I will appeal to the traditional understanding of these passages. Keep this in mind; the Bible is not your book. It is not yours to interpret however you will. As 2 Peter 1:20-21 says, “No prophecy(or teaching) of Scripture is of any private interpretation”. Thus, you have no authority to interpret the Scriptures however you will. I could make the Bible say that Jesus was not raised from the dead and that the Christian’s hope is in vain. I could literally make it say whatever I want it to say, and that is why there is a need for a teaching magisterium that interprets Scripture for us, because it is not of private interpretation.

    Now, with that foundation laid, I will address the first verse you posted, Matthew 21:22. “And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” You state the word believing triggers the prayer request in a direct and absolute manner and that if the Christian doesn’t believe enough then he will not be healed from his sickness. But what is this passage truly saying? Jesus is telling the people that if they ask anything at all according to His will, truly believing He is able to accomplish what they ask, they will have it. How do I know this? (A) Anytime Jesus prayed, He prayed according to the will of the Father, under the authority of the Father. Thus, anytime Jesus prayed, He would receive what He asked for. In the same way, when we pray, according to the will of God, and truly believe He can do what we ask, we will receive it. (B) Further proof of this point can be found in 1 John 5:14, which states, “If we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.” By this point I can already hear you screaming “Eisegesis! Eisegesis!”, but consider a couple of things. First, both Matthew 21 and 1 John 5 are speaking of prayer; Matthew 5-“ye shall ask in prayer” 1 John 5-“ask anything…He(God) hears us”. Second, both Matthew 21 and 1 John 5 are speaking of asking anything; Matthew 21: “All things ye shall ask” 1 John 5-“If we ask anything”. So this contrast between passages meet all the requirements for Biblical exegesis, not eisegesis. They use the same key words and speak of the same context: asking anything in prayer. Therefore, the sound Biblical conclusion would be that anything we ask in prayer, according to the will of God, will be done.
  • ProudToBeCatholicProudToBeCatholic 117 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Part Two

    Now for James 5:15. “And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.” You state that Jesus is saying that if you have faith, then every single time you are sick, if you have enough faith, you will recover. You sound exactly like a Word Faith Prosperity Gospel Preacher now, my friend, and everyone knows they are jokes. They are practically the gods of eisegesis so I am surprised that you, as an atheist, are actually siding with some of the most foolish false Christians in existence such as, Kenneth Copland, Benny Hin, etc etc. Now, let’s address the context first: “Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise. Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elder of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” (James 5:13-16) A couple of points that need to be made. First, the passage say, “And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. This passage is not speaking of only physical healing. Notice that James talks about sins and even says, “Therefore confess your sins… pray for one another… so that you may be healed”. James is not talking about physical healing, but rather the healing of the soul, or what us Catholics call the final graces conferred before death by a priest, in which the administration of this sacrament cleanses the soul from all venial and mortal sin, thus healing the person and freeing them from their unconfessed sin. This is why you have no doubt heard of priests visiting a Catholic before they die, so they can administer this sacrament. Now, that doesn’t exclude physical healing either, because if it is the Lord’s will to raise the sick person off their sick bed, He will do so. But the primary interpretation of this passage is spiritual healing, not physical. James even goes on to say, “Therefore confess your sins to one another, so that you may be healed. This ‘one another’ has been commonly understood in church history to be a priest or priests that would visit the sufferer upon his deathbed and administer the sacraments of confession and anointing of the sick before the person passed away and went to purgatory or heaven.

    Now, I will show by the tradition of the Church how this passage has always been understood. St John Chrysostom, one of the great apostolic fathers who lived in the fifth century wrote this: “The priests of Judaism had power to cleanse the body from leprosy—or rather, not to cleanse it at all, but to declare a person as having been cleansed. . . . Our priests have received the power not of treating with the leprosy of the body, but with spiritual uncleanness; not of declaring cleansed, but of actually cleansing. . . . Priests accomplish this not only by teaching and admonishing, but also by the help of prayer. Not only at the time of our regeneration [in baptism], but even afterward, they have the authority to forgive sins: ‘Is there anyone among you sick? Let him call in the priests of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith shall save the sick man, and the Lord shall raise him up, and if he has committed sins, he shall be forgiven’” (On the Priesthood 3:6:190ff [A.D. 387]).”

    And there are many other quotes you can find if you merely do a web search on the topic. The Church has always understood this passage to mean primarily spiritual healing and reconciliation with God through a priest, and secondarily, physical healing, if the will of God permits.

    Now, I want to make note of the fact that even in the way you are presenting these two verses, your interpretation does not suggest that Christians are not to seek any other forms of medicine. You suggested in your opening statement this: “Take heed, no Christian, I repeat no Christian is to have any vaccines, going to the doctor, ER or hospital visits whatsoever… period. This is because if the pseudo-Christian actually read their… Bibles, they would understand that if they get sick in any way, and not to become hypocrites to Jesus’ words, all they have to do is shown in the following Jesus inspire passages.”

    So, taking into account your statement as shown above and your interpretation of these two texts, Matthew 21 and James 5, explain to me how these verses prohibit the Christian from seeking medical attention, ie medicines, vaccinations, etc. Show me where the passage states that Christians are PROHIBITED from seeking other forms of medical attention besides prayer and faith and belief or stay silent and save yourself from further embarrassment. As Proverbs 17:28 states, “Even a fool, when he closes his lips, is considered wise.”


    And remember once again, the Bible is not yours to interpret. You do not have authority to draw your own conclusions from Scripture when they have already been defined by the Church, and I think you have demonstrated why quite clearly. As the Catechism of the Catholic Church states in paragraph 119, “For, of course, all that has been said about the manner of interpreting Scripture is ultimately subject to the judgment of the Church which exercises the divinely conferred commission and ministry of watching over and interpreting the Word of God.” Do not be wise in your own eyes but rather consider what has always been accepted rather than going off into Word Faith heresy that only arose in the 20th century and has always been rejected by the Church.
  • ProudToBeCatholicProudToBeCatholic 117 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Part Two

    Now for James 5:15. “And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.” You state that Jesus is saying that if you have faith, then every single time you are sick, if you have enough faith, you will recover. You sound exactly like a Word Faith Prosperity Gospel Preacher now, my friend, and everyone knows they are jokes. They are practically the gods of eisegesis so I am surprised that you, as an atheist, are actually siding with some of the most foolish false Christians in existence such as, Kenneth Copland, Benny Hin, etc etc. Now, let’s address the context first: “Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise. Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elder of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” (James 5:13-16) A couple of points that need to be made. First, the passage say, “And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. This passage is not speaking of only physical healing. Notice that James talks about sins and even says, “Therefore confess your sins… pray for one another… so that you may be healed”. James is not talking about physical healing, but rather the healing of the soul, or what us Catholics call the final graces conferred before death by a priest, in which the administration of this sacrament cleanses the soul from all venial and mortal sin, thus healing the person and freeing them from their unconfessed sin. This is why you have no doubt heard of priests visiting a Catholic before they die, so they can administer this sacrament. Now, that doesn’t exclude physical healing either, because if it is the Lord’s will to raise the sick person off their sick bed, He will do so. But the primary interpretation of this passage is spiritual healing, not physical. James even goes on to say, “Therefore confess your sins to one another, so that you may be healed. This ‘one another’ has been commonly understood in church history to be a priest or priests that would visit the sufferer upon his deathbed and administer the sacraments of confession and anointing of the sick before the person passed away and went to purgatory or heaven.

    Now, I will show by the tradition of the Church how this passage has always been understood. St John Chrysostom, one of the great apostolic fathers who lived in the fifth century wrote this: “The priests of Judaism had power to cleanse the body from leprosy—or rather, not to cleanse it at all, but to declare a person as having been cleansed. . . . Our priests have received the power not of treating with the leprosy of the body, but with spiritual uncleanness; not of declaring cleansed, but of actually cleansing. . . . Priests accomplish this not only by teaching and admonishing, but also by the help of prayer. Not only at the time of our regeneration [in baptism], but even afterward, they have the authority to forgive sins: ‘Is there anyone among you sick? Let him call in the priests of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith shall save the sick man, and the Lord shall raise him up, and if he has committed sins, he shall be forgiven’” (On the Priesthood 3:6:190ff [A.D. 387]).”

    And there are many other quotes you can find if you merely do a web search on the topic. The Church has always understood this passage to mean primarily spiritual healing and reconciliation with God through a priest, and secondarily, physical healing, if the will of God permits.

    Now, I want to make note of the fact that even in the way you are presenting these two verses, your interpretation does not suggest that Christians are not to seek any other forms of medicine. You suggested in your opening statement this: “Take heed, no Christian, I repeat no Christian is to have any vaccines, going to the doctor, ER or hospital visits whatsoever… period. This is because if the pseudo-Christian actually read their… Bibles, they would understand that if they get sick in any way, and not to become hypocrites to Jesus’ words, all they have to do is shown in the following Jesus inspire passages.”

    So, taking into account your statement as shown above and your interpretation of these two texts, Matthew 21 and James 5, explain to me how these verses prohibit the Christian from seeking medical attention, ie medicines, vaccinations, etc. Show me where the passage states that Christians are PROHIBITED from seeking other forms of medical attention besides prayer, faith, and belief or stay silent and save yourself from further embarrassment. As Proverbs 17:28 states, “Even a fool, when he closes his lips, is considered wise.”


    And remember once again, the Bible is not yours to interpret. You do not have authority to draw your own conclusions from Scripture when they have already been defined by the Church, and I think you have demonstrated why quite clearly. As the Catechism of the Catholic Church states in paragraph 119, “For, of course, all that has been said about the manner of interpreting Scripture is ultimately subject to the judgment of the Church which exercises the divinely conferred commission and ministry of watching over and interpreting the Word of God.” Do not be wise in your own eyes but rather consider what has always been accepted rather than going off into Word Faith heresy that only arose in the 20th century and has always been rejected by the Church.
  • NomenclatureNomenclature 1245 Pts   -  
    the Bible is not yours to interpret. You do not have authority to draw your own conclusions from Scripture when they have already been defined by the Church

    Which church? There are 45,000 different nominations of Christians, all with their own churches.

  • ProudToBeCatholicProudToBeCatholic 117 Pts   -  

    Which church? There are 45,000 different nominations of Christians, all with their own churches.

    That is one of my favorite questions to answer, so thank you for asking. As you know by my username, I am a Catholic. Within Catholicism, there is only one true holy and apostolic Church, and that is the Catholic Church. It is within Protestantism that you find these thousands of other denominations and this very question you just asked is one of the most significant things that caused me to convert to Catholicism. My parents are Protestants and they, as well as most Protestants, always hand-wave this question when I ask it, and the reason for that is that there is no good answer. The rallying cry of Protestants, sola scriptura(Scripture alone) is almost impossible to defend because the doctrine is redundant.
    So to answer your question, the church I submit to is the church that has existed from the beginning. The Orthodox Church didn't exist until the Great Schism of 1054, the Protestant Churches, of which there are thousands and thousands, didn't begin to exist until 1517, in the Protestant Reformation. The Mormons didn't exist until 1830, when Joseph Smith claimed he was sent to restore the true church, contrary to Jesus saying the gates of hell would never prevail against his church. The Jehovah's Witnesses didn't begin to exist until 1881, with the watchtower, and I could go on and on. Catholicism, on the other hand, has its roots in the New Testament, when Jesus told Peter that He would found His church upon him, thus making him the first pope (Matthew 16:18) From Pope Peter to his successor Pope Linus; Pope Clement, all the way down to Pope Francis, our current pope. As Cardinal John Henry Newman said shortly after his conversion to Catholicism, "To be deep in history is to be Catholic".
  • @ProudToBeCatholic

    ProudToBeCatholic, whose mantra is; "Do not cherry-pick biblical passages, even though they are inspired by Jesus, that totally embarrasses me and my primitive thinking Bronze and Iron Age Catholic Religion,” and is the number one king of using ungodly EISIGENSIS in trying to rewrite Jesus' actual literal words, and the number one Bible Apologist that twists himself into a pretzel to "try" and change Jesus' disturbing and despicable inspired words, ran away from many of my posts because his "mommy and daddy" doesn’t want him to be on this Religion Forum in the first place, where he dishonors his parents by being here, 

    WHOA, WHOA, WHOA!!!  Do you actually think I am going to let you sheepishly RUN AWAY from my posts to you as shown in the links below without YOU addressing them FIRST before I easily Bible Slap you Silly®️ relating to this thread of mine that states Christians do not need doctors, etc.? LOL!

    Nice try of a ruse to not address said previous posts that you have ran away from because of your timely and embarrassing departure EXCUSE where your "mommy and daddy" does not want you to be within this forum to begin with! Now that you've returned, you are dishonoring your parents that goes directly against Jesus' inspired words as God, where you are to DIE as the consequence, as shown herewith: 

    "For God commanded, ‘Honor your father and your mother,’ and, ‘Whoever reviles father or mother must surely die." (Matthew 15:4)

    Heads up pseudo-christian fool, if you were a TRUE Christian and had balls, you would tell your "mommy" that she has absolutely NO authority over you as a man, because she is a biblically 2nd class woman as this Jesus inspired verse so states: "Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. (Timothy 2:11-12)

    Here are the following links that YOU HAVE RAN AWAY from and need to address at this time because of your timely absence before in me easily making you the Bible fool, and I am keeping track of EVERY post that you need to address shown below subsequent to your RUNAWAY status, understood? 



  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1126 Pts   -   edited April 2023
    I think you have misunderstood the passages you mention.  Luke also repeats the phrases that you used, and Luke was a DOCTOR.  Kinda seems to bust the argument, if the guy writing the gospel is a doctor himself.  Further, Paul instructed Timothy to "Stop drinking only water, but drink a little wine to help your stomach and your frequent sicknesses."  So Paul the Apostle was not adverse to using medicine.  Paul even speaks against the idea that God always answers every prayer with a yes.  He said "I begged the Lord three times to take this problem away from me. But he said to me, “My grace is enough for you. When you are weak, my power is made perfect in you.” So I am very happy to brag about my weaknesses. Then Christ’s power can live in me."

    So we see that the issue appears to be a difference in the Biblical authors and the interpretation that was put forward.  God certainly answers prayers, but he is under no obligation to answer any prayer that is against His will and plans.  Imagine the numerous selfish prayers that have been prayed over the years.  James teaches us that motive matters - " You want things, but you do not have them. So you are ready to kill and are jealous of other people, but you still cannot get what you want. So you argue and fight. You do not get what you want, because you do not ask God. Or when you ask, you do not receive because the reason you ask is wrong. You want things so you can use them for your own pleasures."  Is it more likely that James, Luke, and Paul are wrong, or that the interpretation of the passage is wrong and has failed to take into account the other accompanying verses?  I'm guessing the writers of the Bible have more insight.
    It seems that John the Apostle, agrees with Luke, James, and Paul when he says "And this is the boldness we have in God’s presence: that if we ask God for anything that agrees with what he wants, he hears us. If we know he hears us every time we ask him, we know we have what we ask from him."  John flat out says that God isn't obligated to answer any prayer that disagrees with His will.  Now who do you think has a better understanding of the Bible?  Luke, James, Paul, and John, or someone looking for a pretext to make an argument that the Christian faith has not held to throughout its history?  
  • @just_sayin

    YOUR PATHETIC QUOTE SAYING THAT THE SERIAL KILLER JESUS AS GOD DOES'NT ANSWER PRAYERS: "I think you have misunderstood the passages you mention."

    What part of this LITERAL passage don't you understand where Jesus as God STATES WITH SPECIFICITY that whatever, I repeat, whatever you ask for in prayer, BELIEVING, you shall receive?!!!!!!!!

    And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” (Matthew 21:22)

    Your comical refutation to the ACTUAL WORDS OF JESUS in said verse is an embarrassment on your part, and don't think Jesus isn't watching you make a fool of Himself when you try in vain to say that what Jesus said LITERALLY, he didn't! (Hebrews 4:13)

    Bible fool just_sayin, YOU are guilty of the following Jesus inspired passage: "Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. Do not add to his words, lest he rebuke you and you be found a ." (Proverbs 30:5-6)


    Take your Bible stupidity and apologetics to a children's Christian forum where you will be more at home with their equal Bible stupidity, understood "REWRITER" of the scriptures?

  • ProudToBeCatholicProudToBeCatholic 117 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Part One


    21 Century Iconoclast,

    I am not dishonoring my parents by attempting to lead others to Christ. The Bible says in Ephesians 6:1-4, “Children, obey your parents in the Lord for this is right.” Notice it says, “In the Lord”. The Scriptures command us to preach the Gospel in Mark 16:15, Acts 10:42, Matthew 28:19-20, and 2 Timothy 4:2. 1 Corinthians 9:16 says, “Woe is me if I do not preach the Gospel!” If I am commanded to preach the Gospel by Christ and my parents tell me I cannot, then I am going to go with what the Bible says over them, as God commands. I will be eighteen in a month anyways, and I am not a child any longer.

    Now, honor does not even only mean obey. Look up the word honor in the dictionary and you will find this definition as the primary meaning: “Regard with great respect”. As a Christian, I can respectfully disobey a rule if it runs contrary to what I am commanded in Scripture. This is called civil disobedience. I have not rebelled in any way and have remained very respectful to my parents regardless of everything they have done since finding out I converted to Catholicism. You would be surprised at some of the things I have gone through in recent months simply for leaving Protestantism. This is also the reason my parents do not want me talking about Catholicism to anybody; they do not want me to ‘pollute’ others with my ‘heresies’. My duty, as taken from Sacred Scripture, is to disobey this rule, not rebelliously or with any malice, but simply as my duty from God to preach the Gospel to everyone. Believe me, I am terrified of my parents finding out I am still trying to witness to people about the Catholic faith, and you would understand why if I went into detail about everything I have gone through since I converted. But I will not let that fear stop me from obeying the Lord’s command. The bottom line is, I am only bound to obey my parents in the Lord. So long as they tell me to do something that lines up with what God teaches, I am to obey, but should a time arise where their command contradicts God’s, that is when I must respectfully disobey. Paul commanded the people to obey the government in the time of Nero, who persecuted Christians like none other in history. (Romans 13:1-7). This same government forbade the preaching of the Gospel but guess what? The apostles did it anyways! When Peter and John were brought in by the Sanhedrin, a ruling authority in Israel, and were commanded not to preach the Gospel, Peter said this: “We must obey God rather than man.”(Acts 4-5). I wish I didn’t have to disobey my parents simply to preach the Gospel, but this is what it has come to, and I am willing to take any risk if it means I can win at least one soul for Christ before I get caught.

    About you calling this a ruse to run away from your posts, you are WRONG. I was actually really enjoying talking with you all and refuting your supposed ‘contradictions’ in the Bible, along with @just_sayin , but as I told you in the private message I sent you, things happened that prevented me from being able to go on this forum. Notice also that I told you to tag me in every one of your responses so I could respond to them when I returned. Did you somehow forget about that? Maybe you need to go reread the message I sent?

  • ProudToBeCatholicProudToBeCatholic 117 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Part Two


    Your post: Do you actually think I am going to let you sheepishly RUN AWAY from my posts to you as shown in the links below without YOU addressing them FIRST before I easily Bible Slap you Silly®️ relating to this thread of mine that states Christians do not need doctors, etc.? LOL!

    Nice excuse in not responding to my refutation of your original post in this topic, claiming Christians who sought medical attention were being hypocrites, as evidenced here: “This is because if the pseudo-christian actually read their primitive Bronze and Iron Age Bibles, they would understand that if they get sick in any way, and not to become hypocrites to Jesus' words, all they have to do is shown in the following Jesus inspire passages:…” As I stated, you did not even give any Scripture passage interpretation that suggested this conclusion. All your interpretation suggested is that if a person has enough faith, they will get well. Following your flawed interpretation of this passage, explain how a Christian would be a hypocrite in seeking medical attention since the Bible ‘says’ the faith of a person will raise them up.


    Keep in mind that, as @Just_Sayin stated, we see, in Sacred Scripture, Paul commanding Timothy to add wine to his water for his stomach ailments, and we also know that St. Luke was a physician.

    So, you cannot use the lame excuse: “Do you actually think I am going to let you sheepishly RUN AWAY from my posts to you as shown in the links below without YOU addressing them FIRST before I easily Bible Slap you Silly®️ relating to this thread of mine that states Christians do not need doctors, etc.?” I will respond to each of those links you have provided, bar the ones @Just_Sayin answered already.

    You provided Matthew 15:4 as ‘proof’ that I should be put to death for disobeying my parents on this matter. I have not reviled my parents in any way and maybe you ought to look up the word revile as well. It means: “To criticize in an abusive or angrily insulting manner”. Before you attempt to use the Scriptures as a weapon, you should better learn the English language.

    You referenced 1 Timothy 2:11-12, stating that I should tell my mother she has absolutely no authority over me as a man, but I already explained in the past what that verse truly means, contrary to your once-again false interpretation. It is speaking in the context of ministry, and you can go back and reread my post on that because I don’t have time to say the same thing over and over again when you refuse to accept it.

    And yes, I will answer those posts you have linked, but keep in mind as I do this that I am risking a LOT to respond. My parents are really suspicious of me right now and if I don’t end up responding to them all, you know why. I will try my best though 

  • ProudToBeCatholicProudToBeCatholic 117 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: My Responses Part 1

    A couple of points: (A) I got those points from creationist web sites and have no idea if there are any peer reviewed articles on any of these topics that would be in favor of this. I believe the ‘evidences’ I gave came from Ken Ham’s creation site, and that is obviously not a peer reviewed site. (B) I am open to being wrong about the topic of evolution. There are many faithful Christians who hold to evolution and regard the Genesis creation account as a poetic account of creation rather than a literal one. I have never extensively researched the topic so once again, I am open to being incorrect. Evolution in no way disproves God, for God could have used the Big Bang and evolution to create this world. I know this is contrary to what I said previously, but I am more open to the idea of an evolutionary account of creation than I was before. 

    This was a response to @Just_Sayin so I don’t know why you tagged me in it, but nonetheless, the answer is really simple:
    God is the creator and giver of life, thus is justified in anything He does with His creation, even taking life from a baby. We are not the creator or giver of life, therefore we are not justified in everything we do with His creation, including murder of little babies. God uses people as His instruments, as we see all throughout Sacred Scripture. If God commands His creation to do something, they must do it and are not guilty because they are acting as God’s instrument.
    1. People in Sacred Scripture are not perfect. Just read your Bible if you want to confirm that. A few of David’s psalms were written out of places of grief or intense trial, and so he expresses his emotion through song. Just because the Bible is inspired doesn’t mean everything the people in Scripture do or say is correct. Read the book of Job and you will find proof of that.
    2. This is a prophecy of God, and God was speaking through the prophet Isaiah.
    3. Once again, a prophecy from God.
    4. As I said, God uses people as instruments to carry out His will.
    5. This is God speaking here and He can do whatever He wants with His creation.
    6. Refer to point 5.
    God did not have children raped, but merely prophesied that it would happen, not that He would make people rape women. It was a consequence of the wicked actions of the people.
  • ProudToBeCatholicProudToBeCatholic 117 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: My Responses Part Two

    @just_sayin already refuted these ‘contradictions’ perfectly so I will not bother with them.

    This is just a summary of your previous posts I didn’t address, so I will move to the next one.

    Regarding your first statement: So, what you are saying relative to the Trinity Doctrine Comedy Act is simply, there are three divine persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God. Yet these three divine persons are distinct from one another: the Father is not the Son, the Father is not the Holy Spirit, and the Son is not the Holy Spirit.  However, there is exactly one God (1 Timothy 2:5),
    Yes that is exactly what I am saying.
    Regarding your second statement: Therefore Christ is His own Father and His own Son. The Holy Ghost is neither Father nor Son, but both in spirit. The Son was begotten by the Father, but existed before He was begotten. Christ is just as old as his Father, and the Father is just as young as his Son. The Holy Ghost proceeded from the Father and Son, but He is of the same age as the other two!
    No Christ is not His own Father and His own Son and this where the part you mentioned in your previous post about distinction comes into play. I will use the example Saint Patrick did when witnessing to the natives. You can look at a three leaf clover and see that there are three leaves on it. These three leaves make up the clover, do they not? There are three leaves, all joined together as one and making up a clover. In the same way, there are three persons that make up the Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. These can be said to be the ‘leaves’. There are three persons of one God, just as there are three leaves of one clover. They are each distinct, but still make up one God because they are different persons of the same being: God.
    Regarding your third statement: To further the Godly Triune Comedy Act in your way of thinking, then the Father is Almighty, the Son is Almighty, and the Holy Ghost is Almighty, but yet there are not three Almighty's but one Almighty. It is plainly seen that we have three Almighty's, and at the same time, one Almighty! WOW!  You inform us that obviously the three persons in the Trinity are co-eternal together and coequal. The Father is eternal, the Son is eternal, and the Holy Ghost is eternal, and yet there are not three eternally, but one eternal. The plain English is, that the three entities in the Trinity are three eternally, and individually considered, and yet they are not three eternally, but one eternal!
    Yes, the Father is Almighty, the Son is Almighty, and the Holy Ghost is Almighty because they all share the divine essence. This is the stem of the clover. Just as each of the leaves on the clover make up the clover because they are connected, in the same way, each person of the Trinity is Almighty because they are connected and make up the divine essence. They are three distinct persons, but one Almighty God.
    Regarding your fourth statement: Then when Jesus is God, and concerning the "Virgin Birth," then Jesus impregnated His own mother Mary through his spirit of “celestial incest," not only to be her son, but His own son as well in being God, and at the same time, His own Father, as being God. This is barring the fact that Jesus was a bastard child through true Hebrew tradition because Joseph was not the paternal father. 
     No, you are missing the entire point of distinction, my friend. They are three persons, but one God. The Holy Spirit did not commit incest with Mary, as you are proposing, but rather, in a mystical way, implanted the seed of Christ within Mary. That is why it is called the Virgin Birth. Mary never had sexual relations and therefore it was not incest. There were no sexual relations taking place here so it COULD NOT have been incest. And no Jesus was not a bastard child, although if the Jews knew that Joseph was not His real father, they would have considered it as so. Jesus was the Son of the Father, conceived by the Holy Spirit in the Virgin Mary. That is why we Catholics call Mary the daughter of the Father, the wife of the Holy Spirit, and the Mother of the Son.

    You wrote this post to @Barnadot so I don’t know why you linked me to it when it is irrelevant to anything I have stated.

    You wrote this post to bjinthirty so once again, why did you link me to it? You stated I ran away from your posts and then linked to posts that were never addressed to me in the first place! There is a problem here, no?

    I answered this post privately to you so I won’t address it here.
  • @ProudToBeCatholic

    ProudToBeCatholic, whose mantra is; "Do not cherry-pick biblical passages, even though they are inspired by Jesus, that totally embarrasses me and my primitive thinking Bronze and Iron Age Catholic Religion,” and is the number one king of using ungodly EISIGENSIS in trying to rewrite Jesus' actual literal words, and the number one Bible Apologist that twists himself into a pretzel to "try" and change Jesus' disturbing and despicable inspired words, ran away from many of my posts because his "mommy and daddy" doesn’t want him to be on this Religion Forum in the first place, and where he outright ungodly dishonors his parents that are paying his way at this time,

    YOUR OUTRIGHT LYING QUOTE IN FRONT OF JESUS!!!: “I am not dishonoring my parents by attempting to lead others to Christ. The Bible says in Ephesians 6:1-4, “Children, obey your parents in the Lord for this is right.” Notice it says, “In the Lord”.

    You outright Bible , Jesus’ inspired words ALSO says the following in where you are still dishonoring your parents that are paying for your existence in THEIR household to begin with!

    1.Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.” (Colossians 3:20)

    With the passage above, are you calling Jesus’ inspired words as LIES since you do not follow the “everything” clause, which again means EVERYTHING?!  Simply put, what part of "EVERYTHING" relative to following your parents rules don’t you understand you simpleton pseudo-christian?!

    2.He who mistreats his father and chases away his mother Is a son who causes shame and brings reproach.” (Proverbs 19:26)

    Since you are NOT following your parents rules they have set out for you, then under Jesus’ inspired words shown above, you mistreat your father and where you chase away your mother because you do not follow her rules, therefore NOT honoring them which Jesus says causes you shame and reproach!  Do you want to disagree with Jesus' passage above you Bible dumb ?

    3.  “Honor your father and mother” (this is the first commandment with a promise), (Ephesians 6:2)

    YOUR BIBLE INEPT AND MISLEADING QUOTE “If I am commanded to preach the Gospel by Christ and my parents tell me I cannot, then I am going to go with what the Bible says over them, as God commands.”

    Hey Bible Dumbass, Remember this quote of yours in contradicting your pathetic quote above?: “As I told you before, my parents are monitoring everything I do on this computer. Since they found out I converted to Catholicism, they are not allowing me to use this computer for anything except college."

    Listen up you Bible fool, as shown in your previous quote, your parents NEVER said that you could not preach the primitive Bronze and Iron Age gospel, and especially YOUR PEDOPHILE PRIEST INFESTED Catholic faith, they only told you that you cannot use the internet to do so!  GET IT, you lying pseudo-christian fool?!   Therefore, you can go out upon the street with a soapbox to preach your primitive faith, understood bible ignorant fool?

    4.A wise son hears his father's instruction, but a scoffer does not listen to rebuke.” (Proverbs 13:1)

    With Jesus’ inspired words shown above, then YOU take the position of not obeying your fathers instructions to stay off the computer accept for your college education THAT YOUR PARENTS ARE PAYING FOR!

    Therefore, if your parents were smart, they would kick your sorry unto the street and let you fend for yourself since you are NOT following their rules why you remain in their house, where parents do have the right to set the rules for your pathetic ungodly existence!

    5. The proverbs of Solomon. A wise son makes a glad father, but a foolish son is a sorrow to his mother.” (Proverbs 10:1)

    In part, since you disobey your mother, you are a foolish son to her as the Jesus inspired passage so states above, notwithstanding you DO NOT make your father glad in anyway whatsoever because of NOT following his rules as stated within this post!  

    6. The eye that mocks a father and scorns to obey a mother will be picked out by the ravens of the valley and eaten by the vultures.” (Proverbs 30:17)

    The above Jesus inspired passage is what you have to look forward to in the future, and if you don’t believe this passage by Jesus, then tell us where do you get the authority to usurp his written word and disagree with Him?!

    I will leave your Bible ignorance with this passage that is set-explanatory: Jesus replied, "Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them." (John 14:23). Jesus' teaching is the 5 bible passages shown above that you are NOT FOLLOWING by not honoring your parents, BIBLE FOOL!  

    ProudToBeCatholic, you are truly a pathetic little boy pseudo-christian where you act like a little 17 year old "spoiled brat," as shown explicitly within this Religion forum. But, yet you take the food that your parents give you, the bedroom to sleep in, the medical bills they pay for you, the use of a car, and in paying your college education, and yet you have the audacity to Satanically dishonor them in NOT following their simple rules they set out for you on your computer as stated, and therefore as the Jesus inspired passages above so state, YOU DISHONOR YOUR PARENTS AND THEREFORE ARE NOT A CHRISTIAN IN THE NAME OF JESUS!



  • @ProudToBeCatholic

    ProudToBeCatholic, whose mantra is; "Do not cherry-pick biblical passages, even though they are inspired by Jesus, that totally embarrasses me and my primitive thinking Bronze and Iron Age Catholic Religion,” and is the number one king of using ungodly EISIGENSIS in trying to rewrite Jesus' actual literal words, and the number one Bible Apologist that twists himself into a pretzel to "try" and change Jesus' disturbing and despicable inspired words, ran away from many of my posts because his "mommy and daddy" doesn’t want him to be on this Religion Forum in the first place, and where he outright ungodly dishonors his parents that are paying his way at this time,

    YOUR QUOTE WHERE I ABSOLUTELY AGREE WITH YOUR PARENTS THAT YOU TOTALLY DISHONOR: "You would be surprised at some of the things I have gone through in recent months simply for leaving Protestantism. This is also the reason my parents do not want me talking about Catholicism to anybody; they do not want me to ‘pollute’ others with my ‘heresies’."

    YES, how could anybody claiming to be a TRUE Christian accept the primitive Bronze and Iron Age faith of Catholicism that is a haven for ungodly PEDOPHILE PRIESTS buggering innocent little boys?!  Listen up bible fool, I have already "raked you over the coals" upon this topic, therefore you being a CATHYLICK is guilty by association of your church allowing PEDPOPHILE PRIESTS to continue screwing little children, with their BLATANT COVERUPS of this disgusting fact!

    Just a few newsworthy links shown below of Catholic PEDOPHILE PRIESTS screwing children and their coverups of same: 

    More than 150 priests, others in Baltimore Archdiocese abused over 600 kids: 

    Investigation reveals widespread sexual abuse and cover-ups by Archdiocese of Baltimore:

    The Baltimore Archdiocese hid dozens of child sex abuse cases:


  • ProudToBeCatholicProudToBeCatholic 117 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Thank you


    21 Century Iconoclast,

    Actually, you made some good points here, even if I disagree with some of it. Thank you for calling me out on this matter; that I should find some other means to preach the Gospel besides online. I would like to make a couple of points and then I will leave this site until I am eighteen and able to make my own decisions.

    1.       I did not lie in saying that my parents forbade me from preaching the Gospel. You are correct that they told me I am not to use the computer for anything except college, however, they also told me I am not allowed to talk to my family about Catholicism, nor go out and witness to people about Catholicism while I am living in their house. Research anti-Catholicism and you will understand why. The catch here that made me realize I should not be disobeying their rule by using the Internet to witness is that this is not my computer. Since the computer belongs to them, I am bound by whatever rules they make concerning it. I will still, without pause, disobey the rule by talking to others about it, but not while using their computer. So seriously, thank you for bringing this to my attention.

    2.       My parents are not any longer paying for my college and I have a job and am paying my own way through the rest of this semester now.

    3.       Christians sin. The fact that a Christian sins does not somehow make him a non-Christian. We all make mistakes and need God’s grace. Practicing sin is what make someone a non-Christian; someone who refuses to bow down to God’s will when it is made known to Him about His wrongdoing. I honestly did not see a problem with what I was doing, but now that I do, I will refrain from using this computer for anything but college until I am eighteen and have my own device. Praise the Lord that He uses even unbelievers to accomplish His will in the lives of His people!

    4.       The reason my parents said they didn’t want me polluting others with my so-called heresies is because they disagree with their views of salvation, papal authority, and Marian dogmas. It has nothing to do with the ‘pedophile problem’ within the Catholic Church because they are intelligent enough to realize that 2-4 percent of people do not represent a whole organization. It is based on purely theological views; nothing else.

    So, once again, thank you for bringing to my attention that I need to respect my parents’ wishes on their computer and use it for the purposes they established. I appreciate you bringing this up.

    God bless.

  • @ProudToBeCatholic

    ProudToBeCatholic, whose mantra is; "Do not cherry-pick biblical passages, even though they are inspired by Jesus, that totally embarrasses me and my primitive thinking Bronze and Iron Age Catholic Religion,” and is the number one king of using ungodly EISIGENSIS in trying to rewrite Jesus' actual literal words, and the number one Bible Apologist that twists himself into a pretzel to "try" and change Jesus' disturbing and despicable inspired words, ran away from many of my posts because his "mommy and daddy" doesn’t want him to be on this Religion Forum in the first place, and where he outright and ungodly goes against the Bible in. dishonoring his parent,
    s in going against the Bible, that are paying his way at this time,

    YOUR BIBLE IGNORANT QUOTE ONCE AGAIN REGARDING THE TRINITY DOCTRINE: "No Christ is not His own Father and His own Son and this where the part you mentioned in your previous post about distinction comes into play."

    JESUS AS GOD, through His spirit, obviously celestially impregnated his own mother Mary through celestial incest, and barring a needed human male Y chromosome to join Mary’s X chromosome for a complete normal human, Jesus was born anyway. This was done not only for Jesus to be Mary's son, but for Jesus to be His own Father in being a son of Mary because Joseph was not involved in impregnating Mary in the first place!   Then through true Hebrew tradition of the time, Jesus became a Bastard Child (manzer) to the present day Hebrews because Joseph was not Jesus’ genetic paternal father! Get it Bible fool?

    As if the aforementioned above isn’t embarrassing enough, then Jesus being the Father to Mary's son, which was Jesus because Joseph was not involved in any way, then Jesus is his own father and His own son at the same time! 2+2=4!



  • @ProudToBeCatholic

    ProudToBeCatholic, whose mantra is; "Do not cherry-pick biblical passages, even though they are inspired by Jesus, that totally embarrasses me and my primitive thinking Bronze and Iron Age Catholic Religion,” and is the number one king of using ungodly EISIGENSIS in trying to rewrite Jesus' actual literal words, and the number one Bible Apologist that twists himself into a pretzel to "try" and change Jesus' disturbing and despicable inspired words, ran away from many of my posts because his "mommy and daddy" doesn’t want him to be on this Religion Forum in the first place, and where he outright ungodly dishonors his parents that are paying his way at this time,

    YOUR OUTRIGHT UNGODLY QUOTE RELATIVE TO YOU TRYING TO HIDE FROM YOUR PEDOPHILE PRIEST PROBLEMS: "It has nothing to do with the ‘pedophile problem’ within the Catholic Church because they are intelligent enough to realize that 2-4 percent of people do not represent a whole organization. It is based on purely theological views; nothing else."

    You and your parents are considered intelligent if only 2-4 percent of priests SCREW LITTLE INNOCENT BOYS that were placed in their safe keeping by their parents, whereas this is 2-4 percent to many Bible fool!!!  Are you serious? How ungodly and despicable can you get in front of the eyes of your serial killer Jesus (Hebrews 4:13)?!

    The main concern relating to your PEDOPHILE PRIESTS, is that your sickening Catholic Church covered up the fact of PEDOPHILE PRIESTS buggering little boys, and moved them around the country, and this FACT is considered godly in nature? NOT!

    YOUR SENILE "POPE-ON-A-ROPE" FRANCIS UNGODLY QUOTE: “I think that the Church not only should apologize … to a gay person whom it offended but it must also apologize to the poor as well, to the women who have been exploited, to children who have been exploited by (being forced to) work. It must apologize for having blessed so many weapons.”

    Okay, how does Francis align his statements about placating to the LGBT community with his primitive Catholic bible when it says that gays should be murdered as shown in the Jesus inspired passage below?

    “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.” (Leviticus 20:13)

    Listen up Bible fool, you cannot pick out which parts of your primitive Bronze and Iron Age Catholicism you like, without accepting the whole of what it truly represents in your PEDOPHILE PRIESTS screwing little children and the COVER UPS of this ungodly act!


  • @ProudToBeCatholic

    ProudToBeCatholic, whose mantra is; "Do not cherry-pick biblical passages, even though they are inspired by Jesus, that totally embarrasses me and my primitive thinking Bronze and Iron Age Catholic Religion,” and is the number one king of using ungodly EISIGENSIS in trying to rewrite Jesus' actual literal words, and the number one Bible Apologist that twists himself into a pretzel to "try" and change Jesus' disturbing and despicable inspired words, ran away from many of my posts because his "mommy and daddy" doesn’t want him to be on this Religion Forum in the first place, and where he outright ungodly dishonors his parents that are paying his way at this time,

    YOUR QUOTE IN ONCE AGAIN RUNNING AWAY BECAUSE I EASILY MADE YOU THE BIBLE FOOL AGAIN: "I would like to make a couple of points and then I will leave this site until I am eighteen and able to make my own decisions."

    Oh, Oh, we have clean up in "isle 666" because ProudToBeCatholic soiled his pants again like the last time he came up with a lame EXCUSE to leave this Religion Forum because I have shown his Bible Duncery®️ again in front of the membership!  

    ProudToBeCatholic, therefore, let us know when you can come out of HIDING AGAIN like the last time you had RUN AWAY from your primitive faith of Catholicism here at this Religion Forum!  How embarrassing can you get after I have Bible Slapped You Silly®️ again?  LOL!

    Here is an image of ProudToBeCatholic having to run away from me because what he thought he knew about the Bible, he didn't:

    Is there another Hell Bound Catholic that would like to take ProudToBeCatholic's place in trying to DEFEND the despicable Catholic Church with their ungodly actions pertaining to their PEDOPHILE PRIESTS buggering little innocent boys and the COVERUPS of this ungodly act?


  • @ProudToBeCatholic

    ProudToBeCatholic, whose mantra is; "Do not cherry-pick biblical passages, even though they are inspired by Jesus, that totally embarrasses me and my primitive thinking Bronze and Iron Age Catholic Religion,” and is the number one king of using ungodly EISIGENSIS in trying to rewrite Jesus' actual literal words, and the number one Bible Apologist that twists himself into a pretzel to "try" and change Jesus' disturbing and despicable inspired words, ran away from many of my posts because his "mommy and daddy" doesn’t want him to be on this Religion Forum in the first place, and where he outright ungodly dishonors his parents that are paying his way at this time,

    PROUDTOBECATHOLIC RUNAWAY QUOTE #2 FROM BIBLICAL AXIOMS THAT HE COULD NOT ADDRESS: “I would like to make a couple of points and then I will leave this site until I am eighteen and able to make my own decisions.”

    It has become a blatant fact that the Hell bound Catholic monikered as ProudToBeCatholic has RAN AWAY for the second time because what he thought he knew about the primitive Bronze and Iron Age bible, he simply didn’t!  Therefore I had to Bible Slap him Silly®️many times once again in a couple of threads as shown.

    We’ll see if this outright Bible dunce ProudToBeCatholic ever returns in the future to be once again made the Bible fool that he is!

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